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Meesterwerk HumanActs in het Stadstheater

Clown-characters Goos Meeuwsen en Helena Bittencourt, bekend van onder meer Cirque de la Liberté, maakten ter ere van ons 200 jarig bestaan de meesterlijke voorstelling HumanActs.  Te zien in Stadstheater Arnhem van woensdag 16 november t/m dinsdag 22 november.

HumanActs is an absurd encounter between the laws of theatre and the rules of law. Human rights are the basis for freedom, justice and peace. But why did we put them on paper in the first place? Is what is right for one person, perhaps injustice for another? Should rights therefore be limited, or are they, in fact, boundless? And how do our actions ensure that human rights are respected or trampled on?

In that chaotic world of right and wrong, of wanting to be right and emphasising inequality, actors and clown-characters Goos Meeuwsen and Helena Bittencourt hold up a mirror to their audience. Recognise and get confused. Think about and laugh at yourself. What kind of person are you really? Why do you do what you do? And what about your rights?

Kaarten voor de voorstelling zijn online te reserveren via  de website van het Stadstheater.


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