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Table of contents

After the summer holidays your child will be going to secondary school. A new phase in the child's life!

Financially, a lot changes: books have to be bought, but perhaps also a laptop or telephone. Often, your child will also have to wear braces and you will have to pay for public transport. These costs are incidental, but they do add up to a significant financial burden.

This can cause discussions for divorced parents: who should pay what?

What is in the parenting plan?

As parents you have - if all goes well - drawn up a parenting plan which also includes the financial contribution. It is possible that in that article specific agreements have been made about extra costs for your son or daughter. For example, that you pay the school fees in proportion to your obligations. This can of course lead to some discussions, but it is clear that a contribution must be made.

Perhaps you have made agreements outside of the parenting plan concerning the contribution to a bicycle. Even though these agreements have not been established by the court, they are still binding.

No additional financial agreements

It is also possible that you have not made any agreements on these matters or that the court has determined the amount of child support in a procedure.

In that case, the main rule is that the parent where the child has his or her main residence bears the costs of care and upbringing. This parent often also receives child maintenance and child benefit. This parent can then ask for an extra contribution, but making an extra contribution is not an obligation.

3 tips

How can you avoid this situation or how do you deal with it?

  1. In your parenting plan, already make agreements about school and study costs. Even if it is still a long time before your child goes to secondary school or starts studying. It is better to be prepared for discussions about this.
  2. Together or via a mediator, agree on these costs and put these agreements on paper.
  3. Perhaps there are reasons to have the child support adjusted. For example, because of a change in the care arrangement, the income of one of the parents or because of special needs or talents of your child. Get advice about this.

Free online family court consultation

You can ask us all your questions about divorce, visitation, maintenance, prenuptial agreements and inheritance law without any obligation on your part. Our walk-in consultancy hours have been discontinued, but it is still possible to ask questions by telephone or video call, for example via WhatsApp. Call 026 – 35 22 888 Or send us a message.


