Please be aware that this is a machine translation to provide a basic understanding of our web content. It is a literal translation and certain words may not translate accurately. De Kempenaer Advocaten N.V. is not responsible for the accuracy of any translation using this service.

Is the electronic exchange system for client files in order? Do the check here!

Reading time 7 min - Knowledge Bank - 12 July 2021

Healthcare providers often have to be able to exchange client data among themselves - also electronically, of course. The individual duties in respect of the client dossier discussed in more detail + checklist!

Medical disciplinary law in a nutshell

Reading time 5 min - Knowledge Bank - 9 July 2021

The procedure at a health care disciplinary tribunal: from the filing of the complaint to the verdict.

Right of access to medical records by next of kin

Reading time 4 min - Knowledge Bank - 8 July 2021

Do relatives have a right to inspect the medical file of a deceased person? As a healthcare provider, it is important to know the rules regarding the right of access.

Medical treatment of children

Reading time 5 min - Knowledge Bank - 7 July 2021

Who is authorised to make decisions, who is entitled to information and/or access to the file when it comes to the medical treatment of children?

Mouthguards, coronatest and vaccination obligation in health care

Leestijd 16 min - Kennisbank - 6 juli 2021

What options are open to the employer to make the wearing of a mouth mask, a coronary test or a vaccination compulsory, and what are the possible sanctions in the event of refusal by the employee?

Annotatie onder ECLI:NL:GHARL:2021:740 | JIN 2021/44

Leestijd 1 min - Kennisbank - 1 juli 2021

annotatie door Erik Duinkerke over aansprakelijkheid wegens het handelen namens een niet-bestaande vennootschap

Nieuwsbrief Zorg

Leestijd 1 min - Kennisbank - 30 juni 2021

Actuele juridische onderwerpen in de zorg: mondkapjes-, coronatest-, vaccinatieverplichting | aanbestedingsplicht | nabestaanden inzage medische dossiers | medische behandeling kinderen| medisch tuchtrecht | elektronisch uitwisselsysteem cliëntendossiers | bestuurders zorginstelling | patiënt verdachte in strafzaak

How do you prevent inappropriate behaviour in healthcare?

Leestijd 1 min - Kennisbank - 14 juni 2021

What if there is reason to believe that there is transgressive behaviour and the employee is not completely free of all blemishes? Was this preventable? Of course this is never entirely the case, but as a healthcare institution you are obliged to do everything possible. Claudine Hermesdorf explains that screening at the front door and at the...

We can go on holiday again! What do you have to arrange as a divorced parent?

Leestijd 6 min - Kennisbank - 10 juni 2021

If you are divorced and want to go on holiday with your children, you need to be prepared. Arrange the following four things in good time!



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